- Elixir and Phoenix and Ecto -- A few clues about database access etc
- Creating a Elixir Phoenix CRUD Web application and database and command line operations
- Elixir tools for JSON data structures
- Data science processing with Elixir and Python
- Elixir access to Python using Erlport/Export
- Finite state machines -- Elixir and Python implementations
- Serializing Elixir digraphs to Yaml and back
- Text data representation and processing in Python and Elixir
- Using Elixir protocols to dispatch on different Elixir structs
- Functions that provide access to the fields in Xmerl XML records
- Elixir Structs for processing XML
- Elixir meta-programming -- generating code from specs
- XML, SweetXml, Xmerl, and Erlang records from Elixir
- Creating an Elixir Escript application with Mix
- Elixir, Mix, Erlport, poolboy, and Anaconda Python
- Processing XML with Elixir and xmerl
- Erlang and Elixir data structure summary
- A rebar3 Cowboy REST app and a template
- A gen_statem FSM server with state
- Implementing finite state machines with Erlang and gen_statem
- A Cowboy REST CRUD application with a supervised OTP database process
- A Cowboy REST application with add, get, update, and list
- A simple REST application on top of the Cowboy web server
- Designing and implementing a REST API (with Webmachine)
- Erlang Webmachine REST -- How-to and notes
- Notes on xmerl and processing XML in Erlang
- An experimental Erlang framework and behavior for cellular automata
- Implementing an app using an OTP behavior and rebar3
- Implement a new Erlang OTP behavior
- Creating an Erlang application using OTP application and supervisor behaviors
- Implementing a finite state machine with Erlang and gen_fsm
- Support for GraphQL in generateDS
- Notes, hints, and suggestions on Ipython and Pdb
- Creating and using Python virtual environments
- Compiling/building Python 3 etc. from source
- Python scripting inside NeoVim
- Using Lua with the generateDS API
- Using the generateDS API -- Guidance, hints, clues, and suggestions
- Python source code information extraction
- Python microservices -- an example
- Pyre -- Sending messages between applications on a local network
- Schema assisted XML processing
- Structured applications using REST and FSMs
- Defining and implementing finite state machines in Python with the transitions module
- A Python client for our flask REST/CRUD servers
- SQLAlchemy as a back-end for flask-restful CRUD modules
- A template for Python flask-restful CRUD modules
- REST Web application: Python Flask and flask-restful